
Usei fotogramas desta pequena curta no trabalho de espaços 3º ano, mas nunca o tinha visonado. Aqui, vai para contemplação, "Tango" de Zbig Rybczynski - 1980.


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"São os despojos abertos da habitação do homem, o mapa vertical das suas diferenças, a montra obscena daquilo que as paredes ocultam - tijoleira, papel pintado, manchas de gordura na cabeceira de uma cama.

A chuva, a intempérie, sublimam as cores numa mesma palete pastel. Os azulejos resistem heroicamente, a apenas caem um a um.

Competindo com os edifícios que ladeiam estas paredes duram pouco tempo. Há que as capturar."

"They are the open remains of the house of man, the vertical map of its differences, the obscene showcase of which walls concealed - brick, painted paper, grease stains on the headboard of a bed.

The rain, the weather, sublimate the colors in the same pastel palette. The tiles resist heroically, only falling one by one.

Competing with the buildings that line these walls do not last long. They need to be captured."
in Pruned

Ler / Read: Las tripas al descubierto
Flick Pool: Demolition Art
Barcelona: Medianeras 1, Medianeras 2

"L’espace fond comme le sable coule entre les doigts. Le temps l’emporte et ne m’en laisse que des lambeaux informes"
Georges Perec - Espèces d’espaces


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Depois dos Gorillaz, Damon Albarn e Jamie Hewlett decidiram fazer uma opera.. chinesa inspirado no épico Viagem ao Oeste - Monkey: Journey to the West.

After Gorillaz, Damon Albarn and Jamie Hewlett decided to create a chinese opera inspired by the epic Journey to the West - Monkey: Journey to the West.

Viagem ao Oeste é um dos Quatro Grandes Romances da Literatura Chinesa. Originalmente publicado anonimamente em meados de 1590 durante a dinastia Ming, foi, a partir do século XX, atribuído a Wu Cheng.
O romance é uma ficção das lendas mitologicas sobre a peregrinação à India do monge Xuánzàng [ou Tripitaka] durante a dinastia Tang, com o objectivo de obter textos religiosos Budistas chamados sutras. O Bodisatva Guānyīn, ordenado por Buda, passa esta tarefa ao monge e seus protectores - nomeadamente Sūn Wùkōng [Rei Macaco], Zhū Bājiè and Shā Wùjìng - juntamente com um príncipe dragão que age como a montada de Xuánzàng, um cavalo branco. Estes três personagens concordaram em ajudar Xuánzàng como meio de pagamento por pecados passados.

Journey to the West is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature. Originally published anonymously in the 1590s during the Ming Dynasty, and it has been ascribed to the scholar Wu Cheng'en since the 20th century.
The novel is a fictionalised account of the mythologized legends around the Buddhist monk Xuánzàng's [or Tripitaka's] pilgrimage to India during the Táng dynasty in order to obtain Buddhist religious texts called sutras. The Bodhisattva Guānyīn, on instruction from the Buddha, gives this task to the monk and his three protectors in the form of disciples — namely Sūn Wùkōng [Monkey King], Zhū Bājiè and Shā Wùjìng — together with a dragon prince who acts as Xuánzàng's mount, a white horse. These four characters have agreed to help Xuánzàng as an atonement for past sins.

Viagem ao Oeste foi adaptado muitas vezes na media moderna, incluindo filmes, televisão, teatro, e outros. Uma das mais famosas - ainda que a ligação não seja imediata - é Dragon Ball. A história começa por se basear no Viagem ao Oeste mas desvia-se depois. Son Goku [que também se traduz como "Macaco"] é inspirado por Sun Wukong, que também tem um bastão que se alonga e que voa numa nuvem. Os sutras são substituídos pelas bolas de cristal.

Journey to the West has been adapted many times in modern media, including film, television, stage, and other media. One of the most famous - even though the link is often disregarded - is Dragon Ball. It started off based on Journey to the West, but later deviated from it. Sun Wukong becomes Son Goku [which also means "Monkey"], who also has an elongating staff and rides a cloud. The object of sutras are replaced by the Dragon Balls.

Mas foi em Monkey - Saiyuki - (1978) que Albarn e Hewlett se inspiraram para a sua Opera. Existe um documentário no youtube, dividido em várias partes que conta todo o processo.

But it was in Monkey - Seiyuki (1978) that Albarn and Hewlett got inspired for their opera. There's a documentary on youtube that tell the whole story.

A BBC, a televisão onde Seiyuki estreou na Europa e que a dobrou para inglês, contratou Albarn e Hewlett para que criassem uma série de curtas publicitárias para os Jogos Olimpicos de Pequim 2008. Utilizando música original de Albarn e desenhos de Hewlett, os personagens recriam vários desportos olimpicos.

BBC's marketing campain for the 2008 Beijing Olimpics was commisioned to the former Gorillaz. The animation and music were specially produced by Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn. In the BBC’s new animated spot, says Hewlett, “the idea is that you tell the entire story of Journey to the West in a two-minute opening sequence, which is basically them on their way to the Olympic stadium … this is going to be the sum." Try to spot all the olimpic sports depicted in the short movie!

E pronto. Não se prevêem novas data para a Opera. Mas é possível ouvir a banda sonora gloriosa. Link na imagem.

And that's all folks. There are no new dates available for the Opera, but it is possible to hear the glorious soundtrack by clicking in the following picture.


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David Watkin e OMD

"In writing his groundbreaking polemic, David Watkin had taken on the entire modernist establishment, tracing it back to Pugin, Viollet-le-Duc, Corbusier, and others who claimed that their chosen style had to be truthful and rational, reflecting society's needs. Any critic of this style was considered antisocial and immoral. Only covertly did the giants of the architectural establishment support the author. Watkin gives an overview of what has happened since the book's publication, arguing that many of the old fallacies still persist. This return to the attack is a revelation for anyone concerned architecture's past and future."

"...as Watkin points out in Morality and Architecture: The Development of a Theme in Architectural History and Theory from the Gothic Revival to the Modern Movement, architecture has content beyond simply how it looks or how it works. He points out that throughout recent history, architectural historians have used their own critical work to justify whatever style they happen to be most fond of as being the only "real," "true," "authentic," and hence, moral architectre. The transparency of this self-fulfilling prophecy becomes clear as architecture transitions into Modernism, which was vigorously promoted by its adherents."
David Gruesel

"The basic premise of his argument is that the language with which modernist architecture is described and defended is rooted in the false notion of the Zeitgeist or “the spirit of the age”, as put forward by German Idealist philosopher Friedrich Hegel, so that any opposition to modernist architecture – and here he has in mind the revival of classical and traditional architecture, which he has championed in his writings - are condemned as “old-fashioned”, irrelevant, anti-social, and even immoral."
in Wikipedia

"…it is man, creative, mysterious, and unpredictable, who is the proper subject of the historian, not the subterranean collective urges of the spirit of the age or of the 'needs' of an as yet non-existent society." (David Watkin, Morality and Architecture)

Architecture & Morality is an album by Orchestral Manoeuvres in the Dark, released in 1981. It is the group's most commercially and critically successful album, selling over 3 million copies.
Released just eighteen months after their debut album, it demonstrated both OMD's continuing musical maturity and advancement of their style.

According to the album's credits, the album title was suggested to the band by Martha Ladly, formerly of Martha and the Muffins, after the 1977 book Morality and Architecture by David Watkin.
in Wikipedia


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Bjarke Ingels at TED

Já que estamos numa de conferências:

"Sustainability has grown into this neo-protestant idea that 'it has to hurt in order to do good' [...]. Gradually you get the idea that sustainable life is less fun than normal life". Bjarke Ingels


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Fall 08' Lecture Series - Uni Kentucky

Boas palestras pros meninos e prás meninas: AQUI


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São só umas imagens de uma série de trabalhos "shattered art" por Brock Davis. Vale a pena dar uma vista de olhos pelo site.


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Ross Racine

O artista Nova Iorquino Ross Racine cria vistas aérias de suburbos fictícios, examinando a relação entre o design e a real experiência de vida. Nenhuma fotografia ou imagens digitalizadas são usadas nas peças acima. Cada uma foi desenhada à mão livre directamente no computador e depois imprimida numa impressoara a jato de tinta.

New York artist Ross Racine creates aerial views of fictional suburbs, examining the relation between design and actual lived experience. No photographs or scanned images are used in the pieces above. Each was drawn freehand directly on the computer and then printed on an inkjet printer.


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Two Weeks - Grizzly Bear

"I found this fantastic fan video for a great song "two weeks" by Grizzly Bear.
I was left completely amazed by the fact that it was 'merely' a fan video."

seen in: JAJA


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Hoje recebi uma caixa no correio. Vinha da República Popular da China. Mao! Pensei eu (pun intended)... O valor declarado também me assustou: 10.000 USD. Lá pus a máscara e abri.

Today I received a package in the mail. It came from The People's Republic of China. WTF, I thought! I opened it carefully with my mask on and inside was a nice surprise.

Lá dentro estava o livro do concurso Fresh M.I.L.K. em que tinha participado. Não estava a contar. É uma cópia em avanço do livro que estará disponível em muitos países, alguns da europa - mas não em Portugal. O mais perto será em Paris, penso.

After all, It was an advance copy of "Friendship Family Love and Laughter", the book featuring the Fresh M.I.L.K. Photography competition finalists, including yours truly. Publication of the book is scheduled for November 2009. It will be available in a few countries - see more.

Foi com esta guapa imagem, tirado numa Fuji Finepix que consegui comprar a minha 35 mm.

Aqui está - Copyrighted.

E no fim a biografia com a pequena história da foto. Toni, Foy, devo-vos um fino como acordado. AHAHAHahahahah, xis.

And last but not least, my small bio and a small caption to the image. Thanks to my friends Toni and Foyedo for letting me share this image with the world - as well as earning some change.


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Yang Yi no Yangtze

Não costumo pôr tantas imagens num só post mas acho que merece. Depois de um post do Pimenta, lembrei-me deste senhor que andou a tirar fotos nas cidades submersas pela barragem no Yangtze, China. Vale a pena ir ao Fabrik e ler o resto (link em baixo).

“One morning, I don’t remember when, I woke up in a sweat, my heart pounding in alarm. I was left only with a vague memory.”

Some words, some images from the Yang Yi underwater world…Enjoy!

In my dream, I appear, clothed; I come and go along these familiar alleys. I revisit my old school, the dazzle of lights emanating from the cinema, the riverside where I used to swim, the rooftops where I once went to get a breath of fresh air, the winding pathways… all is in darkness, unattended, there are no friends or relatives to be found anywhere. Where do all of these bubbles and floating objects come from? It becomes difficult to breathe, I fail to grasp anything, I scream but no sound can be heard…

I was born there 36 years ago.

On that day, I will awake underwater.

Visto em: Fabrik



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Numa altura em que saem novas máquina Apple acompanhada por uma versão refinada do excelente MacOS, proponho uma viagem ao passado.
Em 1985, Steve Jobs foi despedido da Apple por várias razões. Funda logo a seguir outra empresa de computadores, a NeXT Computer. Embora fabricasse máquinas tecnologicamente avançadas, foram largamente ignoradas pelo mercado devido aos elevados custos. Os computadores vinham acompanhados pelo Nextstep, o sistema operativo multitarefas orientado a objectos desenvolvido por pela NeXT. O sistema operativo mostra muitas caracteristicas agora presentes no Mac Os X.

Em 1996 a Apple anuncia a aquizição da NeXT, devolvendo Steve Jobs à empresa que co-fundou em 1976.


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